Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh yeah its time epoxy.

Some tools of the trade. The foam whizzer didn't roll the Epoxy very well in the cold. I used fst hardener.
This is about 2.5 gallons of sanding dust from a hardwood floor resurfacing.
Time for a beverage.
I went around the boat with a jigsaw and trimmed the plywood. I had to trim the bow.
Used the fien tool.
Alright..remember all those little pieces.
time to tape them up.

Cant forget the bolt hole.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Laying out the glass

The bottom glass is made of 6 oz "e" glass and the sides will be 4 oz.
The bottom glass is 60" wide and the sides came in at 50" wide. I measured from the longest point of the transom to stem added 2' to the length and cut it. I the rolled it out on the clean...clean... oh did I say clean floor and cut it down the center of its length.

How to stay Happily Married

Brass tubes installed

I am jumping ahead in the boats process to group these blogs together. At this point I have already glassed the hull. When I got to the drain holes I made an "X" cut and folded the glass in the hole. I then let the epoxy dry and sanded any rough spots. When I was done with the first fairing I add filler to the fairing to make a paste. I then installed the brass tubes.
Here is a look after sanding.

Drain plug holes

Find the location you want the drain plug. I always try to drill parallel to the bottom plywood.
I usually use a hole saw but this time I wanted to try something different. I wanted to drill the hole over sized and fill it in with epoxy and filler when I glassed the boat.
Here you can see how I try to leave a hairs worth of the transom wood between the hole and the bottom.
Drilled out. This process always makes me nervous.
Perfect. Now do the other side of the keelson. Yes there is 2.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Installing the butt blocks

take half the width of the butt block and make marks.
Put the butt block in it location and mark both sides to get angle of cut.
press it in place and screw. Don't over tighten the screws for now. when the glue sets go back and sink screws. this will insure the you don't squeeze all the glue out.

Okay Time to fair it down.

Use a belt sander and smooth all the corners and seams

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A few pictures to hold you over.

I have a ton of new photos but here are some outside.

Boat builders time.

I guess at this point it must be said/written that building a boat is like making wine. It just doesn't happen overnight. I am looking at the dates of my posts and wondering how so much time has past since I started. I doesn't surprise me anymore. I is just part of the process.